Hottentots Holland to Hermanus . Also Available as a Seed SKU: S426 . All rights reserved. The fruit is a capsule. The flower buds are deep maroon on the outside when closed, and white and scented when they open towards the evening. Cultivar/variety 'Midnight Candy' General description When to Cut: Fun Fact The genus name Zaluzianskya is in honor of botanist and physician Adam Zaluziansky von Zuluzian, 1558–1613. Night Phlox. Découvrez tous nos produits “ Semences florales » Fleurs annuelles » Zaluzianskya ” sur notre boutique en ligne Graines Baumaux. Buy Zaluzianskya ovata 'Star Balsam' from Sarah Raven: Plant this in pots as table centres, dot around an outdoor dining area, or place them on a sunny window-ledge for evening scent. It’s not reliably hardy, but makes a good pot plant that can be moved to … Make the cuttings about 7-8 cm long and dip them in hormone powder number 1 or 2. © 2020 Regents of the University of Minnesota. - Zaluzianskya 'Semonkong', obtention du Lesotho introduite par le pépiniériste écossais Michael Wickenden au port effilé dégingandé. Morro Bay, CA 10Sept14 BushPhoto Scrophulariaceae no. Where are Plant Finder & Plant Selector? ); verfblommetjie (Afr.). They are toothed and somewhat hairy. Cultivation. All rights reserved. From May/June the plant is covered with deep maroon buds that have the appearance of match red heads. The closed flowers resemble drumsticks, hence the designation `drumsticks';. “Zaluzianskya capensis”. Use the following mix for your cuttings:Mix 50% milled pine bark with 50% perlite or coarse river sand. The Plant List includes 73 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Zaluzianskya.Of these 15 are accepted species names. Each flower has a very noticeable deep yellow centre. We ship to the US & Canada from our test gardens in NW Connecticut. Rating Content; Positive: On Aug 16, 2010, slocalgardengal from San Luis Obispo, CA wrote: The flowers of this plant open in the evening and become steadily more fragant as the night progresses. Gardez la lumière vive (sous les lumières est OK) pour garder les semis forts. Zaluzianskya ‘Semonkong’ may be hardier than Zaluzianskya ovata and is longer flowering, but goes leggy as the season progresses. Zaluzianskya capensis is widespread and occurs on sand dunes or lower slopes from Namaqualand to the Eastern Cape. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Minimum Size: 3.5" h x 3" w pot (9.5 fl oz) 3-5. La plupart bénéficient de brèves périodes de séchage entre les arrosages afin que les racines puissent pousser plus profondément, à la recherche d’eau comme elles le font dans la nature. 1. kent. Zaluzianskya capensis looks good when planted in groups and will then make a much greater impact than single plants. Availability: In Stock. & Keith, M. (eds) 2006. Login to add your Comment 9cm pot £7.99. Je me souviens de la première fois que j’ai lu sur Zaluziantkya – j’ai essayé de le prononcer dans ma tête avant d’oser le dire à haute voix. (eds.) Zaluzianskya ovata – a true perennial shrub, this is sometimes available at nurseries, but the flowers are not as fragrant as ‘Midnight Candy.’ Zaluzianskya ovata se cultive en situation chaude et de plein soleil dans un sol riche, humifère et bien drainé. Et bien que ce soit à peine aussi intense que certains écrivains de jardin le prétendent (par exemple, je ne l’ai jamais trouvé assez fort pour «  flotter à travers un jardin  »), cela ressemble plus à ce premier parfum d’une boîte de conserve. Sowing and cultivation information. Les branches sont ramifiées, d’autant plus si les bourgeons de la plante ont été pincés lorsqu’elle était jeune. Fernkloof Nature Reserve in Hermanus, South Africa. Zaluzianskya ovata – un véritable arbuste vivace, il est parfois disponible dans les pépinières, mais les fleurs ne sont pas aussi parfumées que «Midnight Candy». Flowers May-September. Contributions from the Bolus Herbarium 21. Height: 30cm/12in Width: Depth: Plant Class: Hardy Annual (HA). The plant is long-flowering and can be successfully used in the borders of plant beds, and it also complements other lower growing plants when planted amongst them. This South African native is an heirloom plant, botanically called Zaluzianskya capensis. 5. Angiosperms. Systematic Botany. Botanical Society of South Africa, Kirstenbosch, Claremont. Zaluzianskya. Flower. If you need to feed the plant, rather use an organic liquid fertilizer. Zaluzianskya capensis. Une fertilité élevée aide à créer une croissance plus luxuriante et plus de fleurs, c’est donc un endroit où une alimentation liquide équilibrée toutes les deux semaines aidera l’affichage final car elle favorisera une croissance luxuriante et plus de boutons floraux. Common names of South African plants. Zaluzianskya 'Orange Eye' (Night phlox 'Orange Eye') will reach a height of 0.15m and a spread of 0.3m after 2-5 years. 2016-12-20. true. The number of petals is five and they are deeply lobed. (2003). Orders: 24th 8am-4pm, 25th CLOSED, 26th CLOSED, 27th 8am-10pm, 28th 9am-5pm, 29th 8am-10pm, 31st 8am-6pm, 1st CLOSED, 2nd 8am-10pm, 3rd 9am-10pm Customer Services: Normal opening times will resume Mon 4th Jan Please note that the warehouse will not be despatching orders over the Christmas season and will reopen on Monday 4th January night phlox. Déscription : ZALUZIANSKYA CAPENSIS. Clump-forming. The Plant List includes a further 5 scientific plant names of infraspecific rank for the genus Zaluzianskya.We do not intend The Plant List to be complete for names of infraspecific rank. - Zaluzianskya capensis 'Midnight Candy', les boutons floraux sont d'un rouge grenat très foncé au bout d'un pédoncule d'un vert rougeâtre, fleurs éclosent blanches lavé de pourpre. Zaluzianskya ovata – a true perennial shrub, this is sometimes available at nurseries, but the flowers are not as fragrant as ‘Midnight Candy.’ Les clématites offrent une belle diversité de magnifiques plantes grimpantes. Your email address will not be published. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. 2000020396. $6.95. C’est aussi une bonne police d’assurance au cas où vous oublieriez d’arroser pendant une vague de chaleur. It needs full sun and well drained soil. As the light intensity increases they slowly start to close and are completely closed from midday until evening. Day-pollinated species of Zaluzianskya often have little or no obvious scent, for example Z. villosa. Zaluzianskya 'Orange Eye' is: Evergreen. Zaluzianskya capensis, 'Midnight Candy' Seeds £2.65 from ... Zaluzianskya capensis, 'Midnight Candy' Zaluzianskya capensis, 'Midnight Candy' Night Phlox (5 of 5 based on 1 review) You will surely want to grow this lovely plant for its outstanding late … American Gardener, The. ZALUZIANSKYA capensis. Feuilles et tiges sont duveteuses. There are 55 species of Zaluzianskya native to southern Africa. This plant is growing in a container in camp among our other 'mobile garden plants'. Unbelievable evening fragrance. Dwarf and compact it is best suited at the front of a border or in a patio container near the house so the fragrance can be appreciated. It smells amazing. Za-loo-zee-ann-ski-ya. Zaluzianskya capensis. Cette plante Zaluzianskya ovata est une plante au port régulier et sphérique plus large que haute, atteignant 30 cm de hauteur, 40 au maximum, et capable de s’étaler sur 60 cm. Another cool plant from South Africa, Zaluzianskya capensis (What were they thinking with that name) is definitely something a different for a gardener who has everything. 0345 092 0283. Erect, slender, usually hairy annual. This species is accepted, and its native range is Cape Prov. Cape plants. Z. capensis is not very hardy but grows well in areas with a mild climate or in warm, sheltered spots; so it is ideal for growing in pots, but ensure that the container drains well. Plants of Southern Africa an annotated checklist Strelitzia 14: 1-1231. Zaluzianskya capensis, Walp. By day, the flowers remain tightly curled up but by evening, uncurl into scented star-shaped white flowers blooming from mid to late summer. A conspectus of the Cape flora of South Africa. I bought this plant at the end of May. (2011) p 26 Parts Shown: Flower Photo. The flowers are single and cup-shaped with a white centre and deep pink reverse. Roots will start to develop within 2-3 weeks. It was said to be one of the most intensely fragrant flowers which could fill a … 2003. Attractive to wildlife Night phlox, Zaluzianskya ovata is a low-growing, alpine perennial, native to southern Africa. Gu22. Comme la plupart des plantes à floraison nocturne, ces minuscules fleurs blanches en forme d’étoile sont pollinisées par des insectes nocturnes ou des papillons de nuit. Zaluzianskya capensis. Pourquoi faire pousser cette petite fleur au nom long? capensis. Planted in full sun where it flourished, but not a flower all summer- so disapointing. Zaluzianskya is a genus of flowering plants now regarded as being a member of the Scrophulariaceae, the figwort family. This species is accepted, and its native range is Cape Prov. Oct 17, 2013 - Zaluzianskya capensis from the contour path of Table Mountain above Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden The Levyns guide to the plant genera of the southwestern Cape. The Plant List. Provide full sun and consistent moisture for the most fragrant flowers. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Don’t let the pots dry out in summer as this will make the stems of the plant become woody. Zaluzianskya capensis. Zaluzianskya Zaluzianskya . Southern African Botanical Diversity Network Report No.41. Another cool plant from South Africa, Zaluzianskya capensis (What were they thinking with that name) is definitely something a different for a gardener who has everything. It makes an ideal pot plant. The genus is endemic to Southern Africa and includes some described sixty species. Seeds: Flowers turn into capsules containing the small seeds. Zaluzianskya capensis (L.) Walp. 4 5 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star 1 star (5 reviews) Write review. Facile à cultiver à partir de graines, semez-le tôt à l’intérieur au moins 8 à 10 semaines avant le dernier gel, et pas de soucis car il se transplante facilement. Statistics. En tant qu’origine sud-africaine, le terreau doit être bien drainé, que ce soit dans un lit ou dans un récipient. If you enter just a plant name, you will see results from the old RHS Plant Finder and Selector databases; If you select any attributes with or without a plant name, you will see a much narrower selection of results taken only from the old RHS Plant Selector database. 100% Guaranteed! The strong scent released by the flowers in the evening suggests that Zaluzianskya capensis is pollinated by moths, such as the night-flying hawk moths of the family Sphingidae. Approximate Seeds Per Packet: 787. Zaluzianskya capensis ‘Night Flowering Phlox’ (zal-oo-zee-AN-skee-uh) What more do you say about a plant like Zaluzianskya capensis then amazing. Family: … Do note that you may sift the milled bark to get a finer texture. 2000. Zaluzianskya Plants - Star Balsam | Suttons As the sun goes down this perennial which has flowered all day will produce a lovely, partly vanilla scent. 3. Zaluzianskya capensis ‘Midnight Candy’ (Zal-oo-zee-AN-skee-uh) Night Phlox. It is a member of the Scrophulariaceae family (fig wort) of which there are around 60 species. In our nursery, it was known at first as "the Z plant", but the name now trips off the tongue as easily as digitalis and we wonder what the fuss was all about. Walp. 1 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Best grown in moist but sharply-drained soil in sun. The annuals seem to be more restricted to the Western Cape, whereas the perennials are more common in the eastern southern Africa. Gardens Illustrated. VARIÉTÉSZaluzianskya capensis ‘Midnight Candy’ – Le cultivar le plus couramment trouvé est une amélioration de l’espèce car il produit des fleurs plus abondantes. Zaluzianskya capensis Walp. vanity fair. 35. Germishuizen, G., Meyer, N.L., Steenkamp, Y. Ne touchez pas les feuilles! In the Night-Scented-Stock order of excellence, this has been described as Daphne or Heliotrope-like, but is one that its really indescribable loveliness can be detected at many paces from even a single plant. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Zaluzianskya (family Scrophulariaceae). Statistics. On this page ... G. & Meyer, N.L. (2003). For its outstanding late evening and remain open until early in the background are of Fuschia, not.. 9.5 fl oz ) 3-5 the front of a name for such a delicate charming... And shear lightly for repeat bloom natifs du célèbre Namaqualand en Afrique du Sud - the in... 1558-1613, a physician and botanist from Prague et de plein soleil un! ’ est aussi une bonne police d ’ assurance au cas où vous oublieriez ’... 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