5 \A1;0.01 5 5 \A1;1.40 BARRA DE LAVABO EN BAÑO DE RECAMARA PRINCIPAL DEPTO. PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO INCLYE BOCALLAVE,CILINDRO Y MECANISMO DE SEGURIDAD 5 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DER. 5 ALZADO ALZADO ABIERTO 3.0A \A1;0.05 5 5 5 \A1;1.75 5 \A1;0.025 5 5 5 5 PROYECTO ARQUITECTONICO 94 5 BISAGRA 7 5 \A1;0.057 7 CP-33 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DERECHA. Doors with frames, wood and glass. BARRA DE LAVABO EN BAÑO DE VISITAS PL TIPO 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.225 5 escala: ALZADO 1 \A1;0.21 ENTINTADO Y BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;0.45 5 ANGULO DE ALUMINIO 5 \A1;0.225 5 \A1;1.70 Building Facade Elevation Architecture Working Drawing DWG details. 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.30 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.55 5 5 ALZADO CP-28 5 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL -MARCO DE MADERA MACIZA 2" X 4" -ENTRECALLE DE 2" X 2" DE MADERA MACIZA ----------------------- \A1;0.12 \A1;0.40 5 5 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO INCLYE BOCALLAVE,CILINDRO Y MECANISMO DE SEGURIDAD 5 5 \A1;0.01 5 \A1;0.15 5 BARNIZ NATURAL 5 \A1;0.050 5 TIPO \A1;0.12 \A1;0.16 \A1;0.85 5 5 HOPPE, Mod. NCM NIVEL CORONAMIENTO MURO Ancho \A1;0.02 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO HCS PARA BAÑO. 5 COL. 170 \A1;2.55 \A1;0.10 5 5 7 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.30 MANIJA Mca. 5 5 \A1;0.077 5 \A1;0.34 \A1;0.075 \A1;2.55 \A1;0.30 5 Categories. \A1;0.12 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.05 \A1;1.00 \A1;0.55 5 CERRADURA 5 5 5 Come to our headings and download the necessary DWG drawings for free. 89 (HOJA) 5 ----------------------- \A1;0.16 110 \A1;0.075 \A1;0.075 Doors elevation free CAD drawings 24 high-quality CAD Blocks of doors in DWG format. 5 5 5 5 5 CP-27 \A1;0.05 This AutoCAD file contains detailed drawings of the kitchen in elevation view. ----------------------- \A1;0.50 \A1;0.90 REVISION firma C/S.E 5 \A1;0.30 CORTE 3 5 5 5 \A1;0.60 \A1;0.025 \A1;0.40 5 -DETALLE No. \A1;3.10 ALZADO 3 \A1;0.05 CORRE 5 ALZADO 1 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.075 CON FIJO ABATIBLE IZQUIERDA. type, sink bar in guest bathroom pl type, sink bar in bathrooms public areas, sink bar in multipurpose room bathrooms, hinge, wooden frame, see table of doors, metal frame, fixed, runs, width, table of wooden doors, cod., dimension, finish, frame, height, specification, sheet, lock, hinges, fittings, groove, aluminum channel embedded in floor, aluminum angle, detail in plan, —- —-, ———————–, natural varnish, -metal frame, inking and natural varnish, third pine wood frame, wall , aluminum channel recessed in floor, sliding lock with bolt type gamcho with inner butterfly mca. 5 5 \A1;0.50 5 5 \A1;0.55 CP-20 \A1;0.10 \A1;0.60 7 CAD blocks and files can be downloaded in the formats DWG, RFA, IPT, F3D.You can exchange useful blocks and symbols with other CAD and BIM users. \A1;1.80 FIJO If you do not know which layers in your .dxf or .dwg file contain the needed elevation and plot data, you can import the drawing into an empty plan file to find out, following the steps below. 5 229 ENTINTADO Y BARNIZ NATURAL 5 80 5 5 To determine which layers contain terrain information \A1;1.00 5 5 \A1;1.80 5 1 \A1;1.83 5 5 5 ALZADO 1 INDICA NIVEL EN PLANTA. Autocad architecture working drawing detail of a Building Facade/Elevation showing through a profile section with detailed material specification. 5 5 5 \A1;0.55 5 5 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL \A1;1.80 \A1;0.65 CP-07 ALZADO 1 \A1;0.90 Library Plan and Elevation Details CAD Template DWG. 5 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.013 \A1;1.40 5 \A1;0.90 \A1;3.10 ALZADO 5 5 Jul 13, 2019 - Elevation plan detail dwg file, Elevation plan detail with front elevation and rear elevation in dimension detail and naming detail, left elevation and right elevation detail window detail in the elevation 3” up detail, reeling detail, etc. 5 5 3.-DETALLE DE MARCO Y PUERTA ESC: 1:5 \A1;0.025 Autocad DWG: Collection Id: 890: Published on: Wed, 12/02/2015 - 04:43: amit.chuchra39… Download various sample cad 2d elevations of a house with different designs, Railings, Mouldings, Materials etc. PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO HCS PARA BAÑO. 5 \A1;0.75 \A1;0.55 I also suggest … 5 \A1;0.16 ENTINTADO Y BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;1.20 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.55 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS 5 \A1;0.075 5 5 I also suggest downloading High-rise building with terrace and Factory Building with Elevation Details. \A1;0.06 \A1;0.85 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL \A1;1.365 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.30 5 \A1;0.05 *SOLO PARA PUERTAS DE BAÑOS EN AREAS PUBLICAS 5 5 \A1;0.90 \A1;0.06 5 CORTE 2 \A1;2.35 \A1;2.35 83-21-0 MIRILLA Y PASADOR ABATIBLE Mca. \A1;0.12 5 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.225 5 \A1;0.55 CLOSET DE BALNCOS Y DE VISITAS PH-PB \A1;0.32 \A1;0.16 5 \A1;0.30 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;2.35 dibujo: \A1;0.075 MARCO DE MADERA 5 5 \A1;2.35 5 CP-13 \A1;0.30 ----------------------- \A1;4.00 CP-18 5 CP-10 5 \A1;0.036 89 (HOJA) 5 5 5 \A1;0.45 5 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.16 Elevation has been designed on the modern concept. \A1;0.70 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS 5 \A1;0.90 5 \A1;0.30 \A1;1.32 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.038 \A1;1.80 5 \A1;0.01 \A1;0.90 5 FANAL ,SERIE 175 \A1;0.01 \A1;1.06 5 5 BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;3.10 CORTE 2 \A1;0.225 5 99 5 5 -MCA. \A1;0.01 Alto 5 \A1;0.16 \A1;0.225 KUMA, Mod. 20 (FIJO) -DETALLE No. \A1;1.10 ENTINTADO Y BARNIZ NATURAL 5 5 \A1;0.70 BARNIZ NATURAL 5 5 5 5 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA IZQUIERDA. Different projections of this drawing will definitely help you in creating your best project. plano: \A1;0.95 5 \A1;0.12 \A1;0.120 -DETALLE No. 5 \A1;1.00 \A1;0.65 5 Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors. \A1;0.078 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" 5 \A1;0.60 \A1;0.20 -MCA. \A1;0.70 5 \A1;0.10 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" \A1;0.038 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.15 5 \A1;0.02 CIERRA PUERTAS Mca. 5 5 \A1;0.75 5 -------- \A1;2.35 5 N.P.T.=±0.000 5 \A1;0.075 5 \A1;0.075 PLANO DE CARPINTERIAS 2 DE 4 Elevation Of Fencing With Link Chain CAD Template DWG Download Link. BARNIZ NATURAL CP-06 FANAL ,SERIE 175 5 5 \A1;0.075 \A1;0.20 5 The AutoCAD file contains: tables, dining tables, chairs elevation and details. 235 \A1;1.25 CP-24 \A1;0.925 5 BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;0.05 \A1;1.80 5 \A1;0.315 5 \A1;0.075 \A1;0.175 Elevation And Details Of Carpentry DWG Detail for AutoCAD. \A1;1.70 \A1;0.05 CP-28 no dimensions will be taken at scale of this plane., ntn level natural terrain, ncm level crowning wall, ncp level crowning parapet, type of plane :, scale :, drawing :, date :, location :, coordination :, owner :, col ., plane :, north :, signature cdu y a., signature owner., nsl upper level of slab, nlbl level low bed of slab, nlbp level bed under plafond, npt level of finished floor, signature dro, keys :, nc enclosure level, this plan must be verified with the corresponding of, facilities and structural, any discrepancy must, the contractor rectified in the place of the work, before, execute, the dimensions and levels indicated in this plane, must submit to the address of the work any difference., all the finishes indicated in this plan must be executed, according to the corresponding specifications., consult with the direction of the work., notes:, schematic cut, street no., indicates level in elevation., Indicates floor level., change io of floor level., change of floor level., indicates elevation, indicates cut, reference plane, nsp upper level of floor, nsm upper level of wall, ntnm natural terrain level mod., nlal level high bed of slab, location sketch., location., xyz, revision, date, observations, notes, studio architects, customer review, architectural project, xxxx, storage furniture in gym, plant, elevation, closet de depmaras de depto.tipo, closet de bedroom master apartment type, closet of balcones and dept visits. FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.50 \A1;0.55 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.75 5 CORTE 1 \A1;0.65 CORRE STS951 3.5" X 3.5" \A1;0.27 5 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL \A1;1.60 \A1;0.038 \A1;0.40 \A1;2.40 -DETALLE No. 5 Mosque Minaret Elevation Details CAD Template DWG. 1 :25 Categories Tags. - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DERECHA. 1, 2 Y 3 5 64 5 5 5 5 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.55 \A1;2.35 2 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" 5 5 5 \A1;0.120 \A1;0.075 Detail elevation door. 5 ENTRECALLE PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO HCS PARA BAÑO. 90 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.07 5 \A1;0.075 CORRE Door(s) Plan Section Elevation And Detail This drawing has 8 different doors detailed in plan and section with notes, including a revolving door, storefront doors, security door, metal gate. 5 Please be advised that you use the CAD details at your own risk. 5 They can be inserted into your drawings using the AutoCAD Insert command. Doors DWG Detail for AutoCAD. \A1;0.32 \A1;0.16 5 5 5 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA IZQUIERDA. \A1;0.05 \A1;0.55 5 HOPPE, Mod. \A1;1.00 \A1;0.16 5 5 5 CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. \A1;1.00 -MCA. 5 5 PLANTA \A1;0.27 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.325 \A1;0.025 \A1;0.03 \A1;LAMBRIN DE MADERA OCUME DE 6mm CON ENTRECALLES DE 1cm SOBRE BASTIDOR DE MADERA DE PINO DE TERCERA DE \S3#4;" EN ACCESO A ESTUDIO EN PH-PB 5 5 \A1;0.80 \A1;0.100 5 5 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.20 CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. CLOSET DE BALNCOS Y DE VISITAS DEPTO. Elevation And Details Of Carpentry DWG Detail for AutoCAD, Water Sewage & Electricity Infrastructure. 5 \A1;0.65 \A1;2.00 ----------------------- \A1;0.95 \A1;0.032 \A1;2.35 2 5 5 5 5 PLANTA 5 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.041 5 \A1;0.90 5 \A1;LAMBRIN DE MADERA OCUME DE 6mm CON ENTRECALLES DE 1cm SOBRE BASTIDOR DE MADERA DE PINO DE \S3#4;" EN VESTIBULO EN DEPTO. 132 5 MUEBLE DE GUARDADO EN GIMNASIO \A1;0.21 5 CP-22 \A1;0.01 \A1;0.16 firma D.R.O. 5 5 5 5 \A1;0.63 KUMA, Mod. \A1;1.00 CERRADURA CORREDIZA CON CERROJO TIPO GAMCHO CON MARIPOSA INTERIOR McA. CP-29 -MARCO DE MADERA MACIZA 2" X 4" -ENTRECALLE DE 2" X 2" DE MADERA MACIZA \A1;0.075 5 The downloadable files below are necessary to create the elevations and details shown in the Locker Elevations and Details binder. 2 ALZADO 1 -MCA. \A1;0.45 89 ALZADO 2 CORTE 1 \A1;0.16 5.-DETALLE DE MARCO Y PUERTA ESC: 1:5 5 5 \A1;1.91 Building the terrain. \A1;0.060 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS 5 \A1;0.775 5 \A1;2.70 \A1;0.65 5 \A1;0.30 ALZADO 3 (cm) STS951 3.5" X 3.5" \A1;0.20 5 \A1;0.50 xyz 5 FIJO 5 5 \A1;0.060 Feb 15, 2020 - Main elevation, section and general floor plan details dwg file Main elevation, section and general floor plan details that includes a detailed view of main elevation, main section, doors and windows view, wall design, flooring view, indoor staircase view, sanitary installation details and much more of office building. \A1;0.57 \A1;2.20 \A1;0.915 If you have any questions concerning the use of the details, please contact Mike Leslie, ext. 5 \A1;0.225 BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;2.35 You used the Import/Link functionality to import an elevation drawing created in AutoCAD® into Revit®. CORRE \A1;0.34 5 \A1;0.705 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.32 \A1;0.32 \A1;0.263 \A1;0.225 \A1;0.16 5 Mca. CLOSET DE RECAMARA MASTER DEPTO. CORTE 1 64 \A1;0.22 \A1;0.039 OPERACION/ No. 229 \A1;0.175 ----------------------- 5 12-SEPT -06 5 5 5 5 \A1;0.22 5 \A1;0.025 1 :25 5 \A1;0.175 -DETALLE No. \A1;0.05 phillips al-natural, handle and push plate hoppe, line paris, \A1;2.35 235 5 5 5 DEBIENDO SOMETER A LA DIRECCION DE LA OBRA CUALQUIER DIFERENCIA. MANIJA Mca. 5 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. TOPE DE PISO Mca. \A1;1.55 5 \A1;1.20 \A1;0.03 \A1;1.53 \A1;0.12 PLANTA 1 \A1;0.34 Jun 19, 2016 - This Pin was discovered by ZENT Design 2D. BARNIZ NATURAL 5 \A1;0.57 5 \A1;0.845 5 \A1;0.32 5 ESTE PLANO DEBERA VERIFICARSE CON LOS CORRESPONDIENTES DE 5 NSL NIVEL SUPERIOR DE LOSA \A1;0.65 235 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm PINO CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish): 1 Y 2 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" \A1;0.075 5 \A1;1.40 \A1;0.775 \A1;0.50 \A1;0.038 5 5 5 CP-22 5 -MARCO METALICO 5 \A1;0.263 -DETALLE No. ALZADO CERRADO \A1;2.35 2377. CAMBIO DE NIVEL DE PISO. 5 5 5 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.95 5 \A1;2.35 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS PLANTA \A1;2.50 5 \A1;0.16 The dotted lines show places where the walls bump in or out. 5 \A1;0.55 ELEVATION AND DETAILS OF TOWER APARTMENTS FOR CARPENTRY. HOPPE, Mod. PHILLIPS ACC 44 PLANO DE CARPINTERIAS 4 DE 4 5 5 2 Elevation detail dwg file https://cadbull.com/amp/41666/Elevation-detail-dwg-file \A1;0.16 5 5 7 5 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO HCS PARA RECAMARA \A1;0.12 5 5 \A1;1.70 5 \A1;0.060 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.263 \A1;0.60 JALADERA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE DE 6" (4 PZAS) CP-30 \A1;0.32 5 KUMA, Mod. MANIJA Mca. MADERA MACIZA (VER TABLA DE PUERTAS) 83-21-0 \A1;1.00 229 \A1;0.041 5 PROYECTO ARQUITECTONICO MURO \A1;0.038 5 5 \A1;0.03 \A1;2.35 5 \A1;0.16 PU-15 Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. 5 \A1;1.00 \A1;2.20 5 5 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm PINO CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL 5 5 5 \A1;0.05 CP-34 \A1;0.16 5 5 \A1;0.40 5 NLAL NIVEL LECHO ALTO DE LOSA \A1;0.025 \A1;0.20 -MARCO DE MADERA MACIZA 2" X 4" -ENTRECALLE DE 2" X 2" DE MADERA MACIZA ----------------------- \A1;1.30 BISAGRAS 5 100 \A1;0.55 \A1;1.00 \A1;1.70 235 \A1;0.85 MAMPARAS DIVISORIAS EN BAÑO DE GIMNASIO (MUJERES) HOJA 229 5 \A1;4.40 \A1;0.10 2 ALZADO 1 Drawing labels, details, and other text information extracted from the CAD file (Translated from Spanish): NTNM NIVEL TERRENO NATURAL MOD. 5 5 CANAL DE ALUMINO EMPOTRADO EN PISO \A1;0.16 5 \A1;0.95 5 \A1;0.65 5 \A1;4.40 PROYECTO ARQUITECTONICO 5 5 3.0A -MCA. December 24, 2020 Off 5 Download this Free Cad drawing of an furniture bedroom in plan and elevation This DWG block be used in your interior design cad drawing (Autocad 2007 dwg format) - CORREDIZA DOBLE HOJA. 5 5 HOPPE, Mod. 5 5 5 \A1;0.90 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO HCS PARA RECAMARA. 5 5 5 5 6 5 \A1;0.90 5 All the elevations and details have a border. \A1;0.075 \A1;0.075 \A1;1.27 6.-DETALLE DE MARCO Y PUERTA ESC: 1:5 -DETALLE No. 5 ALZADO \A1;0.90 \A1;0.16 Free CAD and BIM blocks library - content for AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT, Revit, Inventor, Fusion 360 and other 2D and 3D CAD applications by Autodesk. 5 5 5 5 STANDARD LOCKER with LIFT HANDLE ELEVATIONS, SINGLE POINT II LOCKER ELEVATIONS: CORRIDOR, SINGLE POINT II LOCKER ELEVATIONS: ATHLETIC. \A1;0.275 5 TABLA DE PUERTAS DE MADERA STS951 3.5" X 3.5" PRINCIPAL EN PH-1N 5 5 5 5 BARRA DE LAVABO EN BAÑO DE REC. ENTINTADO Y BARNIZ NATURAL TOPE DE PISO Mca. \A1;0.855 \A1;0.01 \A1;0.025 \A1;0.40 5 5 Door cad details in plan and elevation | DWG model Posted on March 13, 2020 1 min read Free AutoCAD drawing of door details in plan and elevation with different styles and designs \A1;0.75 TIPO 5 PRIMER ANTICORROSIVO Y ESMALTE ALQUIDALICO (COLOR SMAP) \A1;0.05 CP-16 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. ALZADO 1 \A1;0.122 \A1;0.06 5 5 -------- BARNIZ NATURAL 5 \A1;0.121 \A1;0.45 FANAL ,SERIE 175 CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. PLANTA 5 \A1;0.01 8.-DETALLE DE PUERTA CORREDIZA ESC: 1:5 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA IZQUIERDA. 5 5 \A1;0.55 5 All the elevations and details have a border. PU-33 80 -MCA. \A1;0.16 5 PHILLIPS ACC 44 5 \A1;0.05 ★【Sketchup 3D Models】19 Types of Hotel Sketchup 3D Models V.2 $ 49.00 $ 29.00 Download ⏬ Sale! 5 5 \A1;0.06 \A1;0.225 The files are standard AutoCAD.DWG extension files for AutoCAD Version 2000 and newer and PDF files. The lower left hand corner of the border is the insertion point. 5 firma propietario. TWO BEDROOMS HOUSE APARTMENT BUILDING ELEVATION, SECTION AND FLOOR PLAN DETAILS DWG FILE. 5 \A1;0.90 5 CERRADURA \A1;0.30 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.55 Thousands of free, manufacturer specific CAD Drawings, Blocks and Details for download in multiple 2D and 3D formats organized by MasterFormat. 5 MARCO TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm PINO CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL 5 5 -MARCO METALICO FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. 5 \A1;0.05 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO INCLYE BOCALLAVE,CILINDRO Y MECANISMO DE SEGURIDAD 5 \A1;0.06 HOPPE, Mod. ALZADO 5 PARIS, COLOR F9,ALUMINIO INCLYE BOCALLAVE,CILINDRO Y MECANISMO DE SEGURIDAD 5 \A1;0.05 5 5 attachment=354:tables_and_chairs_elevation.dwg \A1;0.60 \A1;1.25 DE ACUERDO A LAS ESPECIFICACIONES CORRESPONDIENTES. STS951 3.5" X 3.5" 5 croquis de localización. 5 \A1;0.50 \A1;0.60 MATERIAL Y/O \A1;2.35 \A1;0.03 \A1;2.55 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DERECHA. 5 \A1;0.605 \A1;0.12 \A1;0.10 ALZADO ABIERTO Lighting CAD Blocks (Ceiling Lights, Table Lamps, Spotlights, Pendant Lamps, etc.) CP-03 \A1;2.35 5 CORRE 120 \A1;3.10 Most blocks are on layer 0, byblock or bylayer and insert at 0,0,0. \A1;1.20 5 \A1;0.55 5 ★【Over 170+ Architecture Elevation,Building elevation CAD Design,Details,Elevation Collection】Facade design, building facade, home facade, building facade@Autocad Blocks,Drawings,CAD Details,Elevation $ 29.00 $ 19.00 Download ⏬ Sale! \A1;0.10 5 235 Ancho 5 Elevators dwg, free download , vast choice of file dwg for all the necessities of the planner 5 \A1;0.32 CORTE 2 \A1;0.060 -DETALLE No. \A1;0.05 \A1;0.55 5 \A1;0.275 \A1;0.45 Alto CORTE 2 CP-05 PLANTA 5 5 \A1;0.12 \A1;2.10 DETALLE TIPO DE CP-11 Y CP-12 \A1;0.057 \A1;0.45 5 5 \A1;2.35 JALADERA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE DE 6" (4 PZAS) 5 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.90 5 \A1;0.65 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.60 \A1;0.12 VER TABLA DE PUERTAS \A1;0.65 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" CORTE 1 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.073 5 -MCA. \A1;0.16 CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. KUMA, Mod. 5 \A1;0.15 \A1;0.075 \A1;0.45 5 \A1;2.00 \A1;0.605 \A1;BISAGRA 3" X 3" CP-31 5 5 \A1;0.16 5 CP-23 90 5 \A1;2.35 5 For clarity, the elevations and details are not to scale. \A1;0.01 4 \A1;0.038 claves: MA200 COLOR ALUMINIO \A1;1.20 CP-27 5 N.C.M.=±0.000 \A1;0.06 4.-DETALLE DE MARCO Y PUERTA ESC: 1:5 5 INDICA CORTE \A1;0.30 5 \A1;0.30 FIJO 5 ----------------------- \A1;0.16 5 \A1;0.55 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA IZQUIERDA. \A1;0.55 74 CLOSET DE RECAMARAS DE DEPTO.TIPO CP-18 -MARCO METALICO \A1;1.40 We always strive our best to help you. -------- BARNIZ NATURAL xyz DATE POSTED; 20 Normal Power: E-20-01 (160KB) jpg \A1;0.90 5 \A1;0.15 5 5 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.95 \A1;1.90 \A1;0.80 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm PINO CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL 5 \A1;0.21 \A1;2.35 84 5 \A1;0.55 1 5 \A1;0.15 5 \A1;0.45 5 5 \A1;0.01 5 CORRE \A1;0.175 5 5 5 \A1;0.05 5 ALZADO CERRADO 5 REVISION A CLIENTE \A1;0.06 235 \A1;0.32 \A1;1.27 83-21-0 MIRILLA Y PASADOR ABATIBLE Mca. ALZADO 2 DETALLE EN PLANTA -------- 235 MARCO METALICO Download this free cad model it's an Shoe Rack PLan elevation Details dwg. 5 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" 5 \A1;0.55 \A1;1.000 your own Pins on Pinterest It is being designed in Stone Finish, texture paint and precast concrete mould. 5 5 ALZADO PRIMER ANTICORROSIVO Y ESMALTE ALQUIDALICO (COLOR SMAP) 235 \A1;0.02 5 \A1;1.00 \A1;0.90 5 1 :25 \A1;0.32 \A1;0.85 \A1;0.12 \A1;0.845 -DETALLE No. \A1;3.70 \A1;0.05 \A1;0.705 \A1;0.95 \A1;0.55 5 235 5 5 -------- \A1;0.06 5 5 CORTE 1 \A1;0.90 5 MANIJA Mca. \A1;0.35 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.55 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LAIZQUIERDA. 5 5 5 Mca. 5 \A1;2.55 \A1;0.20 \A1;0.55 \A1;1.55 BARNIZ NATURAL 5 \A1;0.04 NSP NIVEL SUPERIOR DE PRETÍL ----------------------- 5 \A1;0.13 5 5 CORTE 1 5 99 \A1;0.40 BARNIZ NATURAL 2 5 5 \A1;0.025 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL 5 5 5 Mca. CERRADURA CORREDIZA CON CERROJO TIPO GAMCHO CON MARIPOSA INTERIOR McA. CP-15 \A1;1.70 CP-26 1 5 \A1;0.20 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. 5 \A1;0.05 5 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.032 5 \A1;LAMBRIN DE MADERA OCUME DE 6mm SOBRE BASTIDOR DE MADERA DE PINO DE TERCERA DE \S3#4; "CON ENTRE CALLES DE 1 cm EN ACCESO DE COCINA/DESAYUNADOR EN PH-PB \A1;2.55 5 House elevation details House elevation details ROOM FLOOR PREPARATION / REST, bathroom, & toilet details, Window, wooden bench, House elevation details download file, House elevation details dwg file, House elevation details The .DWG files are compatible back to AutoCAD 2000. TOPE DE PISO Mca. 5 CORTE ESQUEMATICO 5 \A1;1.10 \A1;0.12 \A1;0.95 5 \A1;0.16 \A1;0.01 FANAL DE ACERO INOXIDABLE MOD. \A1;0.85 5 \A1;0.20 \A1;0.30 NCP NIVEL CORONAMIENTO PRETIL 5 KUMA, Mod. 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.95 5 The locker elevations and details require that only one drawing be inserted. CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. \A1;0.038 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" 5 -MCA. 1 STUDIO ARQUITECTOS ALZADO 2 5 5 They can be inserted into your drawings using the AutoCAD Insert command. \A1;0.30 \A1;0.30 5 Factory Building with Elevation Details This 2D DWG drawing will perfectly complement your project. 2.-DETALLE DE MARCO Y PUERTA ESC: 1:5 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.025 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.16 \A1;0.10 5 CERRADURA DE SOBREPONER Mca. \A1;2.35 5 \A1;0.915 5 \A1;0.315 \A1;0.55 BARNIZ NATURAL \A1;0.55 \A1;0.16 5 5 \A1;0.85 5 PLANTA \A1;0.42 5 PLANTA 5 ARQ-1. 5 5 \A1;1.91 5 5 5 \A1;0.10 PRIMER ANTICORROSIVO Y ESMALTE ALQUIDALICO (COLOR SMAP) \A1;0.30 5 CP-21 \A1;2.35 CARPINTERIAS 1/4 ALZADO 2 5 5 5 1 MATERIAL Y/O 5 5 \A1;0.55 5 INSTALACIONES Y ESTRUCTURALES, CUALQUIER DISCREPANCIA DEBERA \A1;0.06 \A1;0.10 7 3 5 \A1;0.90 HOPPE, Mod. 5 5 5 \A1;0.45 \A1;0.20 5 \A1;1.53 \A1;0.025 \A1;0.45 20 (FIJO) 5 5 \A1;0.075 \A1;0.03 \A1;0.65 \A1;0.025 5 \A1;2.50 5 -MCA. 5 5 notas: 5 CP-08 \A1;2.55 LAMBRIN DE MADERA CUMARU CON ACABADO CON SELLADOR FIP WOLMAN A BASE DE TIRAS DE 5 X 2 cm FIJADAS SOBRE TIRAS VERTICALES 5 X 2 cm , CON PIJAS DE ACERO INOXIDABLE. 5 firma C.D.U y A. NC NIVEL CERRAMIENTO 5 \A1;CARRETILLA DE CARGA 5 CP-32 79 -MCA. \A1;0.20 5 \A1;2.35 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL ALZADO 1 coordinación: -MARCO DE MADERA MACIZA 2" X 4" -ENTRECALLE DE 2" X 2" DE MADERA MACIZA NSM NIVEL SUPERIOR DE MURO 5 ALZADO 1 5 5 \A1;0.30 5 \A1;1.32 (cm) 5 5 83-21-0 PASADOR DE MAROMA Mca PHILLIPS Mod. 5 5 \A1;0.55 5 100 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.45 5 CORTE 1 CP-14 5 PLANTA PLANO DE CARPINTERIAS 3 DE 4 \A1;2.35 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA IZQ. NPT NIVEL DE PISO TERMINADO 5 \A1;0.06 TAMBOR CON MADERA DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL 5 5 5 NTN NIVEL TERRENO NATURAL 5 PLANO DE CARPINTERIAS 1 DE 4 3110 \A1;0.12 CANAL DE ALUMINIO EMPOTRADO EN PISO TOPE DE PISO Mca. 74 5 \A1;0.45 5 MARCO DE MADERA 5 5 (Auto CAD 2007.dwg Format) \A1;0.95 5 5 \A1;1.91 5 ubicacion: ALZADO 1 -DETALLE No. CP-20 -MARCO METALICO \A1;0.038 \A1;0.32 - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DERECHA. 5 \A1;0.050 5 5 5 5 5 5 OBSERVACIONES TOPE DE PISO Mca. 5 \A1;0.01 CON FIJO ABATIBLE DERECHA. 84 5 90 \A1;0.90 \A1;0.55 79 5 CORTE 1 \A1;1.00 5 5 5 \A1;0.20 5 -MARCO DE MADERA MACIZA 2" X 4" -ENTRECALLE DE 2" X 2" DE MADERA MACIZA DETALLE TIPO DE CP-13 Y CP-14 propietario: 5 5 \A1;2.35 \A1;0.55 \A1;0.855 5 DE \A1;0.32 \A1;0.16 \A1;2.40 5 5 CP-24 5 235 6 Buy now Admin Standart NLBL NIVEL LECHO BAJO DE LOSA CP-19 ACABADO \A1;0.07 -DETALLE No.8 STS951 3.5" X 3.5" HOPPE, Mod. Kitchen furniture in plan, front and elevation view. BANCA EN BAÑO DE REC. 5 \A1;0.30 \A1;0.05 \A1;1.30 83-21-0 \A1;0.23 5 5 COATZACOALCOS / VERACRUZ PU-16 KUMA, Mod. NOTAS \A1;0.01 \A1;0.05 localización. 5 \A1;0.55 5 \A1;0.40 \A1;0.060 2 5 CP-04 \A1;0.01 \A1;0.20 \A1;0.075 -------- 5 \A1;1.91 CP-09 \A1;0.06 CORRE 5 TAMBOR C/TRIPLAY DE 6mm OCUME CON RELLENO TIPO PANAL \A1;0.55 \A1;0.06 TODOS LOS ACABADOS INDICADOS EN ESTE PLANO DEBERAN EJECUTARSE EJECUTAR, LAS DIMENSIONES Y NIVELES INDICADOS EN ESTE PLANO, 3D Models】19 Types of Hotel Sketchup 3D Models V.2 $ 49.00 $ 29.00 Download ⏬ Sale CORRESPONDIENTES... Attachment=354: tables_and_chairs_elevation.dwg you used the Import/Link functionality to import an elevation created. Suggest downloading High-rise Building with terrace and factory Building with elevation details section with detailed material specification Sewage Electricity! De SOBREPONER Mca 229 20 ( FIJO ) - ABATIBLE SENCILLA A LA DERECHA V.2 49.00... 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