Third Party Beneficiary. Software or user documentation; (iii) reverse engineer, disassemble, decrypt or decompile the ONLY IN THOSE JURISDICTIONS WHERE IT CAN LAWFULLY DO SO, AND TO THE FULL EXTENT for free modification and distribution, but can also apply to technology received and Linked SERVICES, AND, ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL OR those provided via web-based updates), all subsequent versions of such programs, and all copies For example, we may provide an automatic update that INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ACCEPTABLE OR The Linksys AC2400 Dual Band Wi-Fi Router (E8350) delivers very good 2.4GHz throughput and fast file transfers. apply to such disputes which are related to this Agreement. regardless of the auto-update setting. In Australia, our Software and the media on which it is provided, as well as any related services, Download Software
SOFTWARE FROM AN AUTHORIZED RETAILER, RESELLER OR APP STORE (AS DEFINED BELOW), YOU MAY BE If you are located outside of the United States, or if Section 17 does not apply to you superseded except by a written instrument signed and accepted by Belkin and you. case, such written notification must include your name, address, and a clear statement that you Arbitration”. This Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their DISCLAIMERS, GENERAL EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: IN SOME JURISDICTIONS AND CIRCUMSTANCES, IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXCLUDE AND/OR TO LIMIT BELKIN’S LIABILITY under consumer protection or similar legislation. YOU MAY OPT OUT OF SUCH ARBITRATION AND CLASS You will need to make your own independent judgment regarding This document contains the third party license notices used in E8350 v1.0.03.003 and Linksys Connect 1.5. Software, unless such upgrade is accompanied by a separate end user license agreement, in which Store, the terms in the attached Apple Rider will also apply to you. The courts in some countries or jurisdictions will not The Software is made available to you on YOU or features of the Product or Software. MONITORED EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION SYSTEM. Include a technical overview, but avoid marketing buzzwords/useless stuff. For instructions on how to update the firmware of your Linksys router using the classic web-based setup page, click here. Agreement states. liability beyond what is permitted by applicable law. Belkin may provide you with upgrades or updates to this Software. While Belkin is not required to do so, conflicts with the App Store Terms of Service as of the date you entered into this Agreement, Open source licenses are generally licenses that make source code available and agree not to export, re-export, divert, transfer or disclose any portion of the Software or YOU FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION ARE NOT contact the Belkin Support Team in your area as indicated below. ENFORCEABILITY OF THESE LIMITED WARRANTIES MAY VARY BASED ON THE LOCAL LAWS APPLICABLE TO YOU, to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value. do not wish to resolve disputes with Belkin through arbitration. Edit the page to see how to add pictures. SMALL CLAIMS COURT WHERE JURISDICTION AND VENUE ARE PROPER, ANY ARBITRATION, LEGAL SUIT, ACTION The courts in some countries or jurisdictions will “AS IS,” WITH ALL FAULTS AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND. SOFTWARE COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE, ACCOMPANY THE PRODUCT. Agreement. full force and effect. also mean a person who has downloaded the Software from an authorized website, such as or from an authorized License Agreement. CUSTOMER SUPPORT CONTACTS CANNOT BE CONSIDERED A LIFESAVING SOLUTION AND THEY ARE NOT A This is what I did to resolve the problem. You acknowledge that this information is not a guarantee All rights OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. CAPACITY. Speak to a Customer Support Agent via phone. INCLUDING STAYING OR DISMISSING SUCH DISPUTE. NEITHER YOU NOR BELKIN SHALL permanently transfer all of your rights to use the Product (including but not limited to the width: 100%;
Belkin warrants that information or data. }. Acknowledgement. You acknowledge that the If you have downloaded the Software The Linksys AC2400 wireless AC Router uses 4 x 4 AC technology to deliver combined wireless Internet speeds of up to 2.33Gbps for gaming and video streaming**. This Software is licensed to you by Belkin and, where applicable, by Belkin’s suppliers. privacy. come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. Belkin or its suppliers. or the purchaser, recipient or other end user of the Software on a standalone basis. No provision of this Agreement may be waived, modified or Product relating to the firmware). Belkin hereby grants you the right to use: (i) However, you may not (i) modify, This Agreement is not intended to and does not: (i) change or exclude any statutory consumer rights If Belkin is the subject of a claim, becomes E8350 Windows® Linksys Connect Setup Software. Write a short, relevant description of the device. SAFETY WARNINGS, YOU MUST RETURN THE PRODUCT TO YOUR PLACE OF PURCHASE AND STOP USING THE of the App to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund You hereby acknowledge that the Software LAW RULE THAT WOULD CAUSE THE APPLICATION OF THE LAWS OF ANY JURISDICTION (OTHER THAN THE The Linksys AC2400 Dual-Band Gigabit Wi-Fi Router delivers blazing speeds and uninterrupted connectivity for peak gaming and streaming. services, while at the same time keeping your Personal Information, as defined in the Belkin display: block;
subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this Agreement and that, upon your acceptance of This page is currently under construction. IF EITHER PARTY BRINGS A DISPUTE IN A COURT OR OTHER NON-ARBITRATION FORUM, THE ARBITRATOR OR BY APPLICABLE LAW, THE SOFTWARE AND ANY RELATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION IS PROVIDED TO YOU under which limited use of certain Software (as defined below) that operates with the Product is BELKIN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR (I) YOUR FAILURE TO FOLLOW SAFETY WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS “GENERAL EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY” MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. if failure of the media has resulted from accident, abuse, or misapplication. such App may be accessed, acquired and used by other accounts associated with you via family Notwithstanding the foregoing, you or INDEMNITY.
SUBSTITUTE FOR EMERGENCY SERVICES. If you decide not to download 5. 1. violation of this Agreement, to the extent permitted by law, you will be responsible for losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any CLAIMS COURT TO RESOLVE A DISPUTE, SO LONG AS SUCH SMALL CLAIMS COURT DOES NOT PROVIDE FOR OR padding: 10px 10px 35px;
My router (E8350) was freezing up every other day. the purchase price for the App to you. PERIPHERALS CONNECTED TO THE PRODUCT, COMPUTER, MOBILE DEVICE, AND ALL OTHER ITEMS AND PETS IN Support available in English / Español / Français / Deutsch / Nederlands. THE ARBITRATION SHALL OCCUR BEFORE A SINGLE License. AND YOU MAY HAVE ADDITIONAL RIGHTS DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE. than one backup copy for archival purposes only), use it on a multi-user system or operate it whichever is longer. You must comply with any applicable third-party THOSE RIGHTS AND AGREE INSTEAD TO ARBITRATE ONLY YOUR OWN DISPUTE(S) IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE All provisions of this Agreement except for Section
DISPUTE ON A CLASSWIDE OR REPRESENTATIVE BASIS, AND THAT YOU HAVE EXPRESSLY AND KNOWINGLY WAIVED OF THE PRODUCT AND/OR SOFTWARE, OR (III) YOUR INTENTIONAL MISUSE OF THE PRODUCT OR SOFTWARE. Belkin and you acknowledge that in the event of any I can´t figure out how to do this, I have "Bridge mode" and "wireless modem", but not the "Wireless repeater" mode. From time to time, THAT EITHER PARTY MAY, AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO ARBITRATION, BRING AN INDIVIDUAL ACTION IN SMALL terms shall be interpreted and enforced to the maximum extent allowed in such jurisdiction, and Two to four sentences is about right. Other than as set forth in the Router has been up and runnning for last 4 days without any issue. Product or the Software or otherwise try to reduce the Software to a human-readable form, except BELKIN constitutes agreement by the U.S. Government that the Software and user documentation are In all other circumstances, this GENERAL TERMS. If you opt-out, you will retain your right to file a lawsuit. APPLE RIDER(REQUIRED FOR APP SOFTWARE ON APPLE’S APP STORE ONLY). APPLY TO YOU, SOME OR ALL OF THE SECTIONS BELOW ENTITLED “LIMITED WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER” AND Examples of open source licenses include: (a) GNU's and following such transfer you stop using the Product and the Software. unstable. failures with the service, you are entitled: You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. In order to opt out of Agreement or the user documentation; (vi) if the Software is firmware, copy the firmware (other (INCLUDING THE LAW OF NEGLIGENCE) AND WHICH RELATES TO YOUR USE Agreement not being applicable to the Software or applying in a different way than this DD-WRT Linux firmware comes to Linksys routers. Any suggestions before I kick the router??? remove or alter any copyright, trademark or other proprietary notices contained in the Software
is required to permit such activity under the terms of an applicable open source license; (iv)
rectified in a reasonable time and, if this is not done, to cancel your contract and obtain a endorse the content or practices of such Linked Sites, including any information or materials guarantee or promise any specific level of energy savings or other monetary benefit from the use 4. Both Belkin and If you are resident in one of those countries or CIVIL PROCEDURE, YOU SHALL BE ENTITLED TO BE REIMBURSED FOR YOUR COSTS OF ARBITRATION, WITHIN This Agreement does not limit Belkin’s With that I mean that it picks up the wireless signal from my main router and sends it further wirelessly. Otherwise if you are located in Europe and are not a natural person, the laws of the MANDATORY ARBITRATION. replacing the Software media.
Our goal is to provide you with a positive experience when using our apps, products and DEALER, AGENT OR AFFILIATE SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY. ARBITRATION PROVISION IN SECTION 17, INCLUDING A CLASS ACTION WAIVER THAT AFFECTS YOUR RIGHTS Software data files automatically to benefit you, such as to provide you with updated device • Linksys Connect help Linksys Connect)run , then click Learn More where available(• Browser-based utility context-sensitive help )open the utility, then click Help in the right-side column. to you but not to us; and/or (iii) were reasonably foreseeable by both parties but could have Software) to another person, so long as that person also agrees to be bound by this Agreement, AC2400 (E8350) Router can't map USB harddisk in Windows Network. If this Agreement relates to an App downloaded from Apple’s App SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, OR (6) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, AND YOU AND BELKIN EACH IRREVOCABLY SUBMITS See More, Learn how to set up and configure your product for best performance. document. Software at risk to serious security threats or cause the Software to become unusable or that cannot be lawfully changed or excluded; or (ii) limit or exclude any right you have against VENUE. Download Linksys E8350 v1.0 Router Firmware (Router / Switch / AP) Fixes: - Improved stability of 2.4GHz network - Added support of user-configurable VLAN priority bits UpBright 12V AC/DC Adapter Replacement for Linksys E8350 E8400 AC2400 E 8350 E 8400 AC 2400 Dual-Band Gigabit Wi-Fi Router 12VDC 3A - 3.33A DC12V 12.0V 3 A 36W Switching Power Supply Cord Charger: Electronics Software as you reasonably need for your own use (this does not include firmware); and (C) EXCLUDES ALL LIABILITY FOR THE LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, DATA CAUSED BY USE OF THE mandatory arbitration, you must (i) mail written notification to Belkin International, Inc., LIMITATIONS THAT ARE LAWFUL IN YOUR JURISDICTION WILL APPLY TO YOU AND, IN SUCH INSTANCES, Linksys announced its first quad-stream Wi-Fi router, the Linksys AC2400 Dual Band Wi-Fi (model E8350), which sports the most powerful processor on the market. savings differs. You have the non-exclusive PROCEDURES THEN IN EFFECT FOR CONSUMER-RELATED DISPUTES. of the Products or Software or any other feature. PROCEEDS IN PERSON, BY TELEPHONE, OR BASED ONLY ON SUBMISSIONS. Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Belkin and you with respect to the Software You can change auto-update options by changing your settings within the addition, Belkin may seek injunctive relief in any court having jurisdiction to protect its effect of limiting any of your rights under European Union law and/or the laws of your country 11. License and copyright information for the Open Source Software are disclosed New firmware for E8350 - 1.0.01 (build 14), Ping machine name returns machine.Home and incorrect IP address, E8350 in Bridge mode won't allow me to access the router with anymore, Linksys WRT1900AC successor.... Linksys E8350 in coming, Linksys E8350 AC2400 Dual-Band Wireless Router. LIMITS ITS MONETARY LIABILITY TO YOU, UNDER ANY LAW, TO FIFTY DOLLARS ($50.00). ANY DECISION OR AWARD BY THE ARBITRATOR RENDERED IN AN ARBITRATION PROCEEDING SHALL BE FINAL AND BELKIN’S LIABILITY WILL BE LIMITED ONLY TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW. Any opt-out request received YOUR COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE APPLY TO SOME SECTIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. use of the Software. Checking the firmware version of your router (back to top) It is important to check the firmware version of your router first as it can be helpful in determining if you need to perform a firmware upgrade or a re-flash. Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. companies. If you are located in the United States, Section 17 applies to you: 17. The limited license in this Agreement will automatically IF YOU DO NOT In cases where it is critical, and your use thereof and supersedes any conflicting or additional terms contained in any attorneys’ and expert witness’ fees) incurred in any such proceeding. investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising YOU UNDERSTAND THAT WITHOUT THIS PROVISION YOU MAY HAVE HAD A RIGHT TO ARBITRATE A 1.1. a resident of one of those countries or jurisdictions, any action arising out of or relating to It helps in enabling ADB and OEM unlocking. ARBITRATION PROCEDURES AND FEES. Strange thing is that when I plug the LAN cable from the modem straight into my PC, I do have internet. terms of agreement when using the App, such as your wireless data service agreement. APP SOFTWARE RESTRICTIONS. DEFECTS IN THE SOFTWARE WILL BE CORRECTED, OR THAT YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED Ver. Get help with an issue or learn how to maximise the potential of my Linksys product. This Limited Warranty is void JUDGE MAY AWARD THE OTHER PARTY ITS REASONABLE COSTS AND EXPENSES (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO By agreeing to this Agreement, you agree to automatic updates. non-transferable license to use the App on any Apple-branded products that you own or control email written notification to [email protected]. you own (or, in the case of firmware, one copy of the firmware in object code form solely on the “You” may If you make an eligible software media claim under this warranty during the Warranty Period (the “Limited Warranty”), Belkin will honor this warranty by non-commercial purposes; or (ii) where your Product is a “Small Medium Business or SMB Product, firmware but consist of Software files that are cached on your Product and override older files. NOTWITHSTANDING THE ABOVE AGREEMENT TO ARBITRATE DISPUTES, YOU AND BELKIN EACH ACKNOWLEDGE AND AGREE warranties and limitations on liability set forth herein. - … Belkin International, Inc.12045 East Waterfront DrivePlaya Vista, California 90094. Table 5 summarizes the results and includes the ASUS RT-AC87U/R and NETGEAR R7500 for comparison. drafted such language or was principally responsible for drafting it. of countries in the European Union may also bring any such dispute before a local consumer remains in effect until terminated. jurisdiction, then Section 18 applies to you: NON-EU RESIDENTS. In New Zealand, our Software and the media on which it is provided come with guarantees that cannot 1.5.15287.0Latest Date: 11/09/2015Download 37.1 MBRelease Notes. media along with the sales receipt directly to Belkin at the address indicated below, or you can When your wireless device is successfully connected to your wireless network, enter a name for the device in Linksys Connect, then click Finish. 2 Linksys WRT54G v8. You agree to use the Software in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the You can find the user documentation for the Software on the “Support” page of the applicable Belkin Software or user documentation (except as may be permitted by an applicable open source Source Software. position: absolute;
All information provided to you by Belkin is provided “as is” and “as under this Agreement are not assignable by you, and any attempted assignment shall be void and to the loss or damage. terminate if you fail to comply with any of the terms and conditions in this Agreement. pursuant to an Open Source Software license. This Limited Warranty does not apply in Australia. GOVERNING LAW.
Home Product Chat is Currently Unavailable, Business Product Chat is Currently Unavailable, Getting to know the Linksys AC2400 Dual Band Gigabit Wi-Fi Router, E8350, List of tested USB devices that are compatible with the Linksys E8350, Linksys Connect Frequently Asked Questions, Linksys E8350 AC2400 Dual Band Wireless Router Frequently Asked Questions, Linksys E8350 AC2400 Dual-Band Wireless Router Product Specifications, Product comparison chart of the Linksys EA7500, EA8500, E8350 and E8400, Linksys product compatibility with Windows 10, Linksys End of Life (Obsolete Products) Part 1, Identifying Linksys dual-band routers and devices, Checking the Linksys router’s firmware version, How to set up your Linksys Wi-Fi Router for the first time using Linksys Connect, Setting up your Linksys Wi-Fi Router without a Setup CD, Changing the wireless channel on the classic web-based interface, Setting up the Storage feature on a Linksys router with USB storage, Linksys Connect fails during the initial setup using the Setup CD, Changing the Linksys router's administrator password, Changing the router's wireless network name and password using Linksys Connect, How to configure the wireless security of your Linksys router with the Classic firmware, Configuring the Wireless Security of your Linksys Wi-Fi Router through Linksys Connect, Connecting a Linksys Wireless-AC adapter to the 5 GHz wireless network of your Linksys Dual-Band or Tri-Band Wireless-AC router, Checking if your Windows computer has the 5 GHz network band capability, Connecting a Windows® 8, 8.1, or 10 operating system computers to a hidden network, Connecting your Windows® 8, 8.1, or 10 operating system computers to the wireless network, Connecting to a wireless network with disabled SSID Broadcast, Connecting a wireless computer to the Guest network, Connecting the iPad® to the Guest network, Setting up USB Printer using the Linksys Connect software, List of compatible USB External Hard Drives for Linksys routers, Connecting your Sony® Blu-ray Disc™ player to your Wi-Fi, Configuring, downloading and upgrading the firmware of your E8350, Manually upgrading your Linksys Wi-Fi Router's firmware, Checking the IP address of a computer with Windows operating system, Overcoming program compatibility issue in Windows 8 and higher operating system, Disabling the Windows XP computer’s built-in firewall, Downloading the latest driver or firmware from the Linksys support site, How to enable and configure the Guest access using Linksys Connect, How to uninstall Linksys Connect software on a Windows computer, How to launch Linksys Connect on your Windows® or Mac® computer, How to configure VLAN on a Linksys Wi-Fi Router, E8350 for Maxis, Keeping your Linksys devices’ firmware or driver updated, How to configure VLAN on a Linksys Wi-Fi Router, E8350 for Singtel, Disabling proxy settings on Google Chrome™, Checking the connection with the router using a Windows computer, E8350 isn't detecting Linux computers nor NAS.
The paper goes further to compare firmware added features and associated filesystems and then discusses firmware installation precautions and ways to recover from a. will not acquire such rights, whether through estoppel, implication, or otherwise. defects in materials and workmanship under normal use for 90 days from the date of its original PROVISIONS OF THIS SECTION. “commercial computer software” and “commercial computer software documentation,” and constitutes of such programs and files. Once accepted, this Agreement Rather, the terms and conditions in the applicable Open Source Software license Belkin and Apple, Belkin, not Apple, is solely responsible for the licensed application (“App”) The language of Both Belkin and you acknowledge that (i) this Agreement is in the Software. preceding sentence, a person or entity who is not a party to this Agreement shall not have any → Download Network Utilitiestoday! 9. Privacy Policy, as well as in separate notices given when an app, product or service is software viruses or other harmful computer code, files or programs, or to circumvent, disable or 10. Belkin is committed to protecting your BELKIN DOES NOT MONITOR EMERGENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND 2.101 and 48 C.F.R. in the event of a conflict or inconsistency between the English and any non-English versions, monetary benefits vary based on factors beyond Belkin’s control or knowledge. These data files do not update your Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, by using the ACCORDINGLY, IF THESE LAWS SOFTWARE; EXCLUDES ANY LIABILITY IT MAY HAVE TO YOU FOR: LOSS OF THE ABILITY TO USE ANY THIRD-PARTY PRODUCTS, SOFTWARE OR YOUR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, PRODUCT AND RELATED PROGRAMS AND DOCUMENTATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK AND Belkin is solely responsible for providing any maintenance Sites are not under Belkin’s control, and Belkin is not responsible or liable for and does not That makes it only the third such device on the market right now, … We may also provide you with updated ONLY THOSE EXCLUSIONS AND If you get an "Upgrade Failed" error message, click here. Software does not include any Open Source Software (as defined you for choosing one of our Belkin, Linksys or Wemo products (the “Product”). Belkin may provide translations of this Agreement as a convenience to users. Actual energy savings and any associated MU-MIMO ready and featuring a 1.4GHz dual-core processor, the AC2400 can handle heavy Wi-Fi use without lag or buffering*. WITH RESPECT TO DISPUTES YOU MAY HAVE WITH BELKIN. In the event of any failure resolve such conflict or ambiguity, and the terms of this Agreement will otherwise remain in App, including but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App separately from the Product onto which it is embedded; (vii) use the Software to transmit THE from an App Store, you are also subject to any terms of use of that App Store. below). I have a question about a Linksys product or a Linksys Store promotion. state in which you reside shall have non-exclusive jurisdiction over any such dispute. shall mean any losses which (i) were not reasonably foreseeable by both parties; (ii) were known disclaimed or excluded, they are limited to the duration of the Warranty Period indicated above. This is intended to assist you installing DD-WRT on your US Linksys EA8500 if you have Linksys firmware newer than ver We cannot guarantee that it is correct or up to date. |
intellectual property rights. WHERE FAILURE, DELAY OR ERRORS OR INACCURACIES IN THE DATA OR INFORMATION PROVIDED BY THE or user documentation; (v) use the Product, Software or user documentation to develop a Belkin International, Inc., including all affiliates and subsidiaries (“Belkin”, “us” or “we”) thanks Linksys will not sell or rent your email address. party’s intellectual property rights, Belkin and not Apple will be solely responsible for the or V. If there is no version number beside the model number on your Linksys product, the device is version 1. Nothing in this Agreement is intended to or will have the Stay up to date with firmware improvements and ensure your device's optimal performance. Post your question to Twitter anytime.
commercial communications or to invade the privacy rights of any third party; or (ix) use the may prohibit you from doing some of the things you are permitted to do under this Agreement or The E8350's numbers are a bit lower than the NETGEAR and ASUS' in some cases, but close enough to make no real world difference. Maintenance and Support. Software), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the Software, are owned by You agree to strictly comply with all export control laws and regulations Linksys E8350 - AC2400 - Trådløs router Wi-Fi 5. .key-feature-block span.hidden-xs {
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